Sexual Health Quartrers

Sexual Health Quarters (SHQ)

SHQ is a  non-profit organisation that provide a comprehensive range of clinical, counselling, educational and training activities on sexual and reproductive health.

Services include: 

  • STI testing
  • unplanned pregnancy counselling
  • contraception counselling and clinical services
  • professional development for doctors, nurses, and educators
  • education sessions for young people
  • community youth events (e.g. stalls).

Professional development

  • Courses are offered several times a yar and can be arranged specifically.
  • Tailored training also available.
  • Courses for educators delivering RSE include:
    • Nuts and bolts - 3 day course to support educators of young people.
    • Mooditj leader training - 4 day course for educators to deliver the Mooditj program to Aboriginal young people aged 10-14 years.
    • STARS - 2 day course for educators of young Aboriginal people.

Sessions for young people

SHQ can partner with your school to deliver sessions on:

  • respectful relationships 
  • diversity in sex, gender and sex identity
  • bodies and reproductive systems
  • safer sex and STIs
  • contraception
  • unplanned pregnancies
  • sexting
  • porn
  • ....and more.

The Disability Team at SHQ offer bespoke training for young people living with disability. The team meet with teachers to tailor the course to meet the needs of the current students.



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