Key messages
  • Definitions for all the key words and terms are provided. 

BBV/BBV - Blood-borne Virus

BBVs are passed on through blood-to-blood contact with someone who has the virus. These include hepatitis B, hepatitis C and HIV. 

GDHR — Growing and Developing Health Relationships 

GDHR is a long-standing educational curriculum and teaching resource funded by WA Health. It is designed to support WA teachers, school nurses, schools, and educators in alternative education settings to provide positive and comprehensive RSE.

LGBTIQA+ — Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Intersex, Queer, Asexual and others who are diverse in their sex, gender or sexual orientation. 

An umbrella term used to describe people who are diverse in their sex, gender or orientation. Sometimes you see this written or spelt different ways (LGBT, LGBTIQ+, LGBTI+) but are intended to encompass the same communities. 

RSE — Relationships and Sexuality Education 

RSE encompasses all education related to relationships and sexual health. This includes respectful relatinoships, consent, showing respect, decision making and refusal, human rights, values, understanding gender norms, puberty, STIs and BBVs,. 

SHBBVP - Sexual health and Blood-borne Virus Program

The SHBBVP provides sexual health information and resources to community, health professionals and educators. The Schools Policy Officer, who oversees the management of the GDHR website, works within the SHBBVP. You can find out more information here.  

STI - Sexually Transmissible Infection

STIs are infections which are passed on during unprotected vaginal, anal or oral sex with someone who has the STI. Common STIs include gonorrhoea, chlamydia, syphilis, genital herpes and genital warts. 




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