Key messages
- Understanding the differences in sex, gender and sexual orientation is crucial for providing a safe space for RSE lessons.
- It is important to recognise that there is diversity amongst LGBTIQA+ people.
- Strategies for effective RSE with LGBTIQA+ people are provided.
- Strategies for creating a safe space for LGBTIQA+ students are provided.
Understanding sex, gender and sexual orientation
It is important to understand the difference between sex, gender and sexual orientation and what LGBTIQA+ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex, queer, asexual) means.
You can find out more information in the Educator notes for each topic:
Services across Western Australia also offer training for schools such as SHQ's LGBTIQA+ Diversity Training or TransFolk of WA Trans101 Workshop
Strategies for effective RSE with LGBTIQA+ students.
- Include examples of LGBTIQA+ people and relationships - LGBTIQA+ people exist in the world and so including examples of LGBTIQA+ people and relationships in scenarios or examples is a great way of promoting inclusivity and representation. Another option is using gender neutral names and terms so students can decide the gender of the people in the example.
- Gendered language - consider whether gendered language is necessary as part of the lesson. If it is not, then consider using gender neutral language (partner, friend) or talk about specific body parts (vulva, penis, uterus) instead.
- Avoid absolute statements - There is a wide range of what is normal for everyone, including transgender and gender diverse students. By avoiding absolutes (all girls get their periods during puberty) you can ensure you are representing the diversity of people during lessons.
Creating a safe space
- Positive imagery and resources - Ensure you have posters, resources, books or stickers around the classroom to demonstrate this is a safe space.
- Address discriminatory language - Whether it was said innocently or with the intent to harm someone, discriminatory language should always be called out and addressed. You can find some strategies on the Diversity and inclusion page.
- No assumptions - Do not make assumptions about student's behaviours, knowledge or identities.
- Splitting classes by gender - Consider whether it is necessary and appropriate to split the class by gender when talking about certain topics. You can find some strategies and tips on the Co-ed or segregated page.
- Use a student's pronouns and name - This helps transgender and gender diverse students feel more respected and included. This also models to other students and staff this is the appropriate name and pronouns we should be using for someone.
- Helpful services - Provide students with helplines and phone counselling services where they can seek help confidentially. E.g. QLife.
- Responding to students disclosing their gender, sexual orientation or intersex status - Teachers are a common professional for students to disclose they are LGBTIQA+. Be prepared with what to say if a student discloses and possible referrals if they need further support.