Key messages
  • CaLD is a very broad term and it is important to recognise that there is much diversity amongst CaLD people. 
  • Culture plays a key role in shaping our values and attitudes.
  • Knowing student's backgrounds and values is helpful in delivering safe and culturally secure RSE.
  • Strategies for delivering culturally secure RSE have been listed.

Recognise diversity 

The term Culturally and Linguistically Diversity (CaLD) encompasses over 200 cultural and language groups. It is important to remember that there are differences between and within those cultural and language groups. Therefore, what may be appropriate for one group, or one person, does not mean it is appropriate for others. 

Some young people and families may be comfortable with relationships and sexuality education (RSE), some may not. The key to successful RSE in any context is to create an environment which is respectful, supportive and responsive to the needs of students.

Strategies for effective RSE for CaLD students 

  • Communication with parents/carers - Make contact with parents/carers before starting RSE lessons. Understanding 
  • Religious and cultural days of significance - Be aware of religious celebrations which may impact student's engagement with RSE and learning generally.  

Creating a safe space

  • Split classes - Facilitate cultural respect and ease of communication by making opportunities to split the class into gender groups from time to time, and then find ways to share information gained from each group.
  • Visual aids - Use visual aids and resources to assist visual learners and students from culturally and linguistically diverse background.
  • Variety of teaching strategies - Use a variety of strategies such as storytelling, art, humour and dance to cover the range of students preferred learning styles to reduce shame and help students ‘open-up’ and start talking. See teaching strategies for lots of interactive ideas. 
  • Sexual health part of general wellbeing - Endeavour to normalise sexual health as part of general health and wellbeing. Issues like getting tested and treated for STIs is part of looking after yourself and your partners. 
  • Display health information - Display health information around the classroom and school. Try to use material that reflects the demographics of the school to make content relatable to the students. WA Department of Health have a suite of free posters and pamphlets designed for Aboriginal people available through the Department of Health Online Ordering System (external link).
  • Helpful services - Provide students with helplines and phone counselling services where they can seek help confidentially. E.g. Sexual Health Helpline is a free service in WA.

Department of Health resources

Your Cultural Lense

Your Cultural Lense is a training platform to learn about cross-cultural communication for sexual health & blood borne viruses. 

Get the Facts

A website for young people about sexual health and relationships. 

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