Who or What Will You Pick-up at the Party? A booklet authored by Drug Aware regarding alcohol, other drugs and sex, for adolescents. Pages: 15. Go Adolescence Consent STIs and BBVs Middle secondary Upper secondary Western Australian Free books/brochures
HPV vaccination for teenagers Video by Cancer Council Victoria about HPV Vaccination. Referenced in Year 7, Lesson 4 - HPV Vaccination lesson. Go Immunisation STIs and BBVs Upper primary Lower secondary Australian Videos
Western Australian Survey of Secondary Students and Sexual Health (2021) A survey of WA Year 10-12's outlining: knowledge about STIs/BBVs; sexual behaviours; contraception use; online experiences; and informal/formal sexual health education. Go Adolescence Contraception Gender diversity Health education Health literacy Intimate relationships LGBTI Online Pornography Reproduction Research and reports Safer sex Sex education Sexting Sexual abuse Sexual diversity Sexual health STIs and BBVs Teacher Parent Western Australian Research and reports