Key messages
  • Comprehensive RSE has many positive health outcomes for young people, that extend beyond the prevention of STIs, BBVs and unplanned pregnancy.

Positive outcomes

Comprehensive RSE programs have been found to:
  • increase young people's confidence and ability to make informed decisions
  • prevent gender-based violence and discrimination
  • encourage respect, acceptance, equality and empathy
  • increase young people's understanding of their bodies and feelings
  • encourage young people to delay sexual debut
  • help young people to distinguish between accurate and inaccurate information online
  • help prevent sexual abuse
  • increase the use of contraceptives for those wanting to avoid unplanned pregnancies
  • prevent sexually transmissible infections
  • provide opportunities for young people to learn about and discuss relationships and sexual health issues in safe spaces outside of their homes
  • be strongly support by most parents.1

Why else? 

Sexuality is a key component of someone's life. It is important young people are given evidence-based, age-appropriate information about their bodies, skills to manage conflict, understand the importance of respect and how to show it, where to go for support and how to look after themselves, their friends and partners. 

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