Parent and their support

Parents and their support for school-based relationships and sexuality education - Western Australia Snapshot Report (2022)

This project and final report were commissioned by the Western Australian Department of Health to examine parents' and caregivers' attitudes towards school-based relationships and sexuality education. This report summaries the WA data from the broader National survey.

This project and final report were commissioned by the Western Australian Department of Health, Communicable Disease Control Directorate, Sexual Health and Blood-borne Virus Program.

This project aimed to contribute to the current evidence base regarding the delivery of relationships and sexuality education (RSE) within schools. Specifically, the project sought to examine the attitudes of a national sample of parents (or other adults) with caring responsibilities for school-aged children. A nationwide survey of Australian parents was conducted in 2021 and involved 2,427 participants across all states and territories, of which 643 were from Western Australia (WA). This report summarises the data from WA.

Key findings from WA show most parents are comfortable discussing RSE with their children, but the frequency of such discussions is low. Critically, the majority of WA parents support schools to deliver a comprehensive program of RSE topics across all grade levels.

Parents and their support for school-based relationships and sexuality education - Western Australia Snapshot Report - PDF document


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